Meet Ciara

One of the Talented creatives behind Studio Bride ST Louis


Hi, I’m Ciará, a professional freelance hair and make-up artist – at your service! I have always been passionate about art and one of the most exquisite expressions of art -makeup. I have been a professional hairstylist and makeup artist for over 7 years now and I am so thankful to have a career that I love so dearly.  It is not just the artistic aspect of the job that I love, it’s my clients. My career has brought me many places and given me the opportunity to work with so many amazing people.  I’m very thankful to be able to work in a career that I can always be inspired, meet new people and I am free to be creative, while helping enhance peoples natural beauty!  There’s something so rewarding in helping someone feel beautiful!

Outside of the “glam squad”, I am an Esthetician, a wife and a new mom (aside from all my fur babies)! A little tidbit about me -If we were strangers passing on the street, I’d probably smile and say hi to you. I believe in kindness, empathy, holding open doors, putting your phone away at dinner, and always making time to listen to a friend. If you like dancing, fancy cheese and wine and can quote the office, we will be besties! 

“Let the beauty of what you love be what you do.” — Rumi

Let’s make this friendship Instagram official?


Ciara’s Portfolio